Sunday, May 17, 2020

Full Exposure The Sickening Treatment for...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder can be distressing and can cause dysfunction in people’s everyday lives. People all around the world suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder no matter their gender, race, or culture. Children, teens, and adults could potentially gain OCD depending on the stressful situations that occur in their lives. People who suffer from this disorder often have uncontrollable thoughts of worry and anxiety that lead to actions and behaviors that become repetitive habits. The actions normally occur when people think that the worst possible things might happen to them. So in order to attempt to suppress the fearful thoughts people may perform different habits over and over again throughout each day in order to gain a†¦show more content†¦This treatment consists of a therapist attempting to expose someone with this disorder to the thing that they fear without allowing them to perform their compulsive habits that go along with their anxiety. This t reatment is normally considered uncomfortable to the patients and may take time to become affective but can teach people who suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder that they can still survive even if they don’t feel completely secure when facing their fears. An example would be making a patient who is insecure about trusting people leave their car unlocked in a busy parking lot. This would help them to realize that it is okay if they don’t push the lock button twenty times or pull on the door over and over trying to reassure themselves that their belongings are safe. The patients who go through this are supposed to slowly learn to deal with their fears and anxieties without letting it affect their everyday lives’. The Exposure and Response Prevention therapy treatments are not always safe but can be highly effective in the long run. Exposing a person who is terrified of becoming sick to an unsanitary environment may cause them to actually become sick but it is to help them learn to face fears without relying on their compulsive reactions to help them feel protected. It is difficult to identify symptoms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder because sometimes people don’t even realize that they are

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